• Colegio Internacional Atalaya


Dear Families,

Since we opened our doors we have been convinced that the student, each and every student, should be the centre of our school. For this reason, we have created a learning environment and pathways through which our students can develop as a person from a global perspective.

The environment is essential: it should make us feel safe, spark our creativity and motivate us. We know that we learn much better if we feel safe among our classmates and teachers, if we feel accepted and loved; we know that learning is not just repeating, but also discovering, creating and inventing; we know that being interested in what we are doing is the best motor for learning. For these reasons, we use methods that allow students to increase their participation in class, their interaction with classmates, their emotional involvement and their creativity and productivity.

Our school offers a truly international environment, with the cultural, social and linguistic richness this implies. Learning our two main languages, English and Spanish, is a natural process for our students and results from the structured teaching programmes and socio-linguistic context the school provides.

I invite you to browse through this web page and get to know us a bit better.

Welcome to Atalaya International School!