Breakfast meetings

This week we held our first-term breakfasts for the parents
With these informal get-togethers we have two objectives: firstly, to generate a space in which parents may meet other parents and thus strengthen the relationships among the members of our educational community, and secondly, to bring our educational project closer to the families so as to raise awareness of the most relevant aspects of their children’s school lives.
The topic of the talk this term for the parents of Preschool and Primary Education was Positive Discipline, a topic we had already touched on last year and have broadened this year at the request of the families. Our school Guidance Counsellors Carmen García, Beatriz Teruelo, Isa Mena and Andreina Martín gave us a series of guidelines and tools to educate our children with respect, firmness and kindness.
We look forward to seeing you at our second-term breakfasts!