Visit to Crocodile Park
The students of 5th year of Preschool enjoyed a wonderful day at Crocodile Park in Torremolinos
The day started off with our morning snack in the picnic area.
Our guide, Enrique, then explained a bit about the life of a crocodile and the students were able to see for themselves –just as their teachers had taught them in class- that the crocodile is the only direct descendent of the dinosaur that still survives. They saw crocodile eggs and a real stuffed crocodile skin, which they were even able to touch.
They enjoyed the experience of being able to hold Elvis, a one-year-old crocodile, and his soft skin was a surprise to all.
To finish off the visit the students toured the area of the park that houses more than 200 crocodiles. Our brave Miss. Sarah went into the cage and showed the students how much crocodiles weigh and how they move.
We shouldn’t forget to mention Paco, the largest crocodile in Europe! An enormous specimen that made some strange and surprising noises.
We finished our day with a picnic in the park.
Here are some pictures: