Emotional Well-Being at School
Emotional well-being is a fundamental aspect of a student’s all-round development. Therefore, it is important that educational centres contribute to creating an environment that favours the emotional well-being of the entire educational community.
To this end, our school tries to create a sense of belonging and community in the classroom, strengthening students’ identity and self-esteem. It is also important to foster resilience and self-improvement, as well as to promote positive behaviours such as responsibility, respect and kindness. One of our educational approaches is service-learning, a strategy that contributes to creating an environment of emotional well-being. By helping others, our students feel valued and connected to their community.
In short, we make every effort to contribute to the emotional well-being of students by creating a safe and welcoming environment, strengthening identity and self-esteem, and promoting positive behaviour and good habits. We strive to create an educational context that facilitates emotional well-being.
We know that the family is the main nucleus, where the foundations of emotional development are forged, the first school for learning these skills.
“From the point of view of human relations, the family is the central nucleus, whose primary role in the socialisation process is the establishment of norms, rules and above all ethical and moral values.” – Daniel Goleman
What can we do to promote emotional well-being in the family environment?
Some practical recommendations:
- Create a safe, positive and stable home environment with unified standards of education by both parents.
- Promote family discussions and activities by encouraging social communication and active listening. This strengthens emotional bonds and promotes constructive conflict resolution.
- Recognise emotions and express them. Learn to regulate emotions, bearing in mind that parents are a child’s role models for imitation and identification.
- Educate with affection. Relationships with children are affective. Affection and its demonstration must be present in its different manifestations: hugs, kisses… it is also affectionate to listen to them, to dedicate time to them… to reinforce the bond of affection and trust.
- Build resilience. A close-knit and emotionally supportive family can help you face life’s challenges with greater strength.
Promoting emotional well-being in the family is a constant and shared effort, it is an ongoing process that requires responsibility and commitment from everyone.
This is a fundamental pillar for building a stronger and more empathetic society.
Resources and links of interest:
Bienestar emocional – Consejería de Desarrollo Educativo y Formación Profesional